Before you begin it’s important that you measure your space and work out exactly how much Tread you will need. Calculate the square meterage and allow a little bit excess for cuts in odd-shaped areas.
Heavy Duty Temporary Surface Protection
Builders Temporary Surface Protection
Painters Temporary Surface Protection
1. Measure
2. Prepare
When you are ready to install your floor or surface protection you should ensure that the space is clean and free from dust, dirt or anything that could cause scratches or other damage when covered.
For new floors, it is important that your floors are hard enough to withstand the traffic of the jobsite, however Visy Tread is designed with high breathability for surfaces that are still curing.
3. Roll Out
Roll out Visy Tread, in an under-roll direction (paper along the floor surface, roll on top). If the rolled out paper curls back towards you, you may need to bend it back on itself to break the fiber memory horizontally, this will make it easier to flatten.
4. Cut
Using a utility knife or other suitable cutting device, carefully cut Visy Tread to your desired length. Be very careful not to drag the knife or cutting tool through to the floor surface underneath when cutting through the paper.
5. Join
If covering a large surface area, you will likely need to join multiple pieces of Tread together to ensure that your area is well protected. Overlap the seams by approximately 15mm and stick together using a suitable Paper Seam Joining Tape.
6. Perimeter
If you wish to tape down the perimeter of the surface protection, please consult your flooring manufacturer or your local trade specialist to confirm the most suitable tape. We recommended testing the tape in a small, inconspicuous area before applying it to the entire flooring perimeter. Apply the perimeter tape, overlapping half of the tape surface area over the Visy Tread paper and the other half to seal to the floor.
7. Cleaning
When in use, ensure you clean any spills in a timely manner to protect the integrity and reusability of your Visy Tread.
8. Reuse
Once the job is completed, remove the tape from the Visy Tread paper, sweep or vacuum to remove any surface dust or dirt, and roll up, ready to re-use on your next project!